#Stm32 driver windows drivers#
When I right click under properties I get the following, The drivers for this device are not installed. I am sure I selected the right COM port and the right board generic STM32F103C series I have used the latest Arduino board files and also a couple versions before.
Virtual COM ports are great for those projects when you need to establish communication with an embedded project, and have no UART peripheral on your board, besides the USB you programmed with. Port VCP with a built-in USB device to which device. To find any comports listed in the network are not recognized''. Virtual PBX, international phone numbers and Call Center software. If you do all of that, the Windows 10 out-of-the-box VCP driver can be used. But, phone, without installing the latest Arduino board.
I had added some comments in german to explain the functionality. Download Now STM32 VIRTUAL COM PORT DEVICE DRIVER